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VMware TKGI (formerly Enterprise PKS) Advanced Walkthroughs
VMware TKGI (formerly Enterprise PKS) Advanced Walkthroughs
Bill Call avatar
Written by Bill Call
Updated over a week ago
  • Kubernetes Explained (45 minutes) (Basic) In this walkthrough you will learn what container orchestration with Kubernetes is all about. Terminology is a barrier to understanding technology and the fundamental components of the Kubernetes platform will be explained in detail. This module contains no lab steps but will provide you with a foundational understanding that will make the other modules more intuitive. If you already have have an understanding of Kubernetes and want to get hands-on, start with VMware Enterprise PKS and Kubernetes Deep-Dive guides listed below.

  • VMware Enterprise PKS Deep-Dive (45 minutes) (Advanced) Operationalizing Kubernetes at scale is not for the faint of heart. PKS is a purpose built service to deploy and manage Kubernetes clusters. This module will introduce PKS, showing the capabilities to extend High Availability, scale, health monitoring and lifecycle management to Kubernetes.

  • Kubernetes Deep-Dive (45 minutes) (Advanced) This walkthrough is pure Kubernetes lab work. You will use the kubectl CLI to manipulate the Kubernetes components you read about in the Introduction to Kubernetes walkthrough. You will create the deployment that defines the pods and services that make up your webserver application. You will scale the application both up and down - adding pods to provide either increased capacity or availability. By the end you should be very comfortable with manipulating your application components through the CLI.

  • Deploy and Manage a Multi-tiered Application (30 minutes) (Advanced) This walkthrough can be taken independently from the first two, but builds on the knowledge gained there to deploy a more complex application. You will see the components of a web-based restaurant rating system application that includes a backend database. Once your application is deployed, you will upgrade to a newer version with no downtime, and will subsequently roll the upgrade back - again without downtime.

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