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Getting Access to a VMware TKGI (formerly Enterprise PKS) cluster in VMware Pathfinder
Getting Access to a VMware TKGI (formerly Enterprise PKS) cluster in VMware Pathfinder
Bill Call avatar
Written by Bill Call
Updated over a week ago

In this section, we will show you how to access your TKGI cluster and prepare it to attach to the Tanzu Mission Console.

To login to VMware TKGI (formerly Enterprise PKS) perform the following steps.

First, open a web browser of your choice and navigate to Click on Log In and you will be re-directed to the VMware Cloud Services Login page.


Use your email address associated with your VMware ID account, followed by your password.


Once logged in, navigate to 'CATALOG' from the top navigation bar, and choose 'TKGI' as the product, 'TestDrive' as the Activity Type as shown below.


Click on the 'Explore VMware TKGI (formerly Enterprise PKS)' Activity Card, the activity opens up. On the Getting Started page, click on 'Enable Access' button located near the bottom-right of this page. This will provision your TKGI account and display 'PKS Credentials' as shown below in the format pksuserxxxx. Please note these credentials down along with the API URL for use later. Please note that both your TMC and TKGI accesses are valid for 48 hours in a single session. Once the time expires, you can re-enable access by following the same method.


Next, launch the 'Workspace ONE' link under Access option, you will be redirected to Workspace ONE Access login screen. Use the Workspace ONE Credentials from the above screenshot to authenticate. Once logged in, search for 'VMware Tanzu' on the Apps Tab and launch the Horizon Desktop by clicking on 'Open' as shown.


Now, you'll be on the VMware Tanzu Horizon Desktop. Launch PowerShell from the Desktop and login to the TKGI environment using PKS Credentials saved previously in the following format:

pks login -a -u <username> -p <password> -k


With our latest release of TestDrive TKGI Demo, one cluster comes pre-created with each UAAC user. So we'll run the next command to get information about that cluster:

pks clusters


The last command to run in preparing this cluster to attach to TMC is for populating the kube config file with the right credentials for this cluster:

pks get-credentials <your_cluster_Name>


Now you are prepared to return to the Tanzu Mission Control TestDrive activity and continue through the steps in VMware Pathfinder.

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