Odyssey FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Bill Call avatar
Written by Bill Call
Updated over a week ago

What is VMware Odyssey by Hands-on Labs?

Odyssey is a timed competition to test the skills you learn from taking related labs and from your experience with VMware products and solutions. Your work is verified automatically and the time is recorded.

How do I complete the task?

Because this is a competition, assistance with completing tasks is not provided. The solutions to tasks are found in the related labs that you can take before doing the Odyssey lab.

How is my score calculated?

Points are earned by completing tasks, and if all tasks are completed before the clock runs out, bonus points are earned - one point per second remaining on the clock. The leaderboard ranking is determined by points.

Can I play again?

In a tournament or competition game, you can only play one time. If you would like to play again to attempt a personal best, you can do so but your score will not count towards the leaderboard.


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